Monday, November 12, 2007

NaNoWriMo part 2

We're 12 days into November and I'm still on track on my 30 day novel, barely. I was a couple of days ahead of my daily quota until last week when when I had other obligations for a few days, but as of last night I caught up to where I needed to be. 4,000 words in one day is my highest one day tally ever. My only problem, or should I say challenge, is that I don't know exactly what happens after what I'll write today. I'll hit 20,000 words later today.
I finished my judging responsibilities last week. It took more time than I originally thought, but I'm glad I did it. I saw stories from beginning writers as well as a few from writers who had obviously been honing their craft for a while. My hat's off to all of them. People put a lot of hard work into getting manuscripts ready for submission to contests. All of them showed great potential.
I received my 2 copies of The Petigru Review, this year's South Carolina Writers Workshop anthology, last week. It was nice to see another one of my stories in print. Two friends from the Columbia 1 chapter of that organization recently critiqued a short story I finished a couple of months ago. After the NaNoWriMo is complete I'll edit the short story and send it to a few prospective publishers.


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