Sunday, August 05, 2007

All over the place

I've noticed my writing style tends to be all over the place, as far as genres go. I've written a lot more stories than I've sent out. Many of my favorite authors write crime/whodunit books. But when I've tried short stories of this genre, they're usually lacking something. One or two of my horror stories are decent, as well as a couple of my "down-home life in the country" stories. Yup, quite a difference there. I've never tried writing comedy even though I think I have a pretty good, albeit dry, sense of humor. I've tried a few mystery short stories, and several involving dreams. I've just started a mystery that I think could turn out pretty good. We'll see.
Sometimes when I write something I finish it just so I can say I completed something. Occasionally as I'm working on a story I think it's better than most of my other stuff. Several stories from a few years back might be worth re-working; one of two in particular.
Pretty soon I'll be living out of suitcases for a few months (long story). I'm not sure if I'll have a laptop in that time so I've just started writing longhand again. I've heard that J.K.Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series in longhand, at least to begin with, and Stephen King wrote part of a book that way, too (I want to say Dream Catcher), while recuperating from the accident that almost killed him a few years ago. He's written in several genres (not just horror) and has done quite well in all of them, so maybe there's hope for me!


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