Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Key moments in a fledging writing career

Yeah, it's been a long time since my last entry. A lot of stuff has happened lately that I can't get into right now. My writing has slowed down a lot, but have I given up on it? Never!

Here are a few thoughts I've had lately concerning writing.

I thought about writing short stories for several years before I ever put anything on paper. I even bought Writer’s Digest magazine a few times. Then in one issue of it I saw an ad for a writer’s correspondence course. I decided to go ahead and try it. I took their test and enrolled in a course from Long Ridge Writers Institute. That got the ball rolling.
A couple of years later when I lived in Montgomery , Alabama , an issue of WD had an interview with Stephen King, whom I had never read. I enjoyed what he said so went out and bought his book “On Writing – A Memoir of the Craft.” That book is still my favorite book about writing. I’ve read it several times and King is now my favorite author.
A couple of years after that, while living in Columbia , SC , I saw another ad in WD, this one for a writers conference in Myrtle Beach . The ad had a web link for the South Carolina Writers Workshop. Thanks to that ad I started attended a critique group that helped me tremendously. Even though I live in Alabama again I communicate with folks from the critique group regularly and am looking forward to attending this year’s conference.


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