Friday, October 26, 2007


November is National Novel Writing Month ( . This year is my first time to participate in this crazy event which consists of writing the first draft of a 50,000 word (about 175 pages) novel in one month. Quantity of work, not necessarily quality, is what counts. It'll take me an average of around 2 hours each day, which means most Saturdays will be spent in front of a computer to catch up if I get behind any during the week. I've got an idea for a story in mind and hope to flesh it out more over this weekend.
I had planned on being at the annual writers conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this weekend but things didn't work out that way. Instead I'll finish the first draft of a novel I started several years ago (it began as a stand-alone short story but everyone who read it wanted to know what happened next) and judge some short stories for a contest from north Alabama. This is my first time to be a judge so I hope I do a good job.


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