Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Slow Week for Writing

The combination of my daytime job and responsibilities at home have made this a very slow week of writing for me. I got a little done on two stories I'm working on, but not much. I hope to have time to get more done next week.
Only two and a half weeks until I go to Myrtle Beach, SC for the annual South Carolina Writers Workshop Conference. It'll be good to see friends from the SCWW chapter I attended the last few months before moving back to Alabama earlier this year. I've gotta remember to bring my camera to get pictures of myself with a couple of famous authors. Speaking of which...
I'm most of the way through Tess Gerritsen's "The Mephisto Club." It's a great murder mystery with a continuation of characters from several of her previous books.
This isn't exactly a Pulitzer-winning blog entry, but I figured I need to add at least a paragraph or two once a week.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Good News for 2 Friends

While I'm waiting for some of my work to get published it's always nice to hear about friends who have had better luck than I have lately.
Mickey Burriss recently had an article published in a magazine put out by the major South Carolina electric co-op, so his work will be in front of over a quarter million people!
Louis Gruber has just had a story published on-line at .
Mickey has a great down-home voice and Louis comes up with some great bizarre story lines.
I'm very fortunate to have good friends who are writers.

Still no word from a story I submitted in early July. The on-line publication said, "If you don't hear from us within two months send us an email." I'm still waiting to hear from the email.
I'm just finishing up Stephen King's "On Writing" for the fourth time. Also waiting to hear from Writers Digest about their 2006 Annual Competition.
Meanwhile I've started a short story and one that will probably be a novella, maybe 20,000 words.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Random thoughts

A couple more rejections have come my way lately. I'm disappointed, of course, but I'll go over the stories again and submit them elsewhere. I think they're at least halfway decent.
I finished Stephen King's Gunslinger/Dark Tower series a couple of days ago. I'm not sure why it took me so long to read or listen to the books. It's an excellent tale. King made the characters real to his long-time readers.
Just six weeks or so until I go to the writers conference in Myrtle Beach, SC. I feel like a kid anticipating Christmas but looking at the calendar and seeing it's not even Thanksgiving yet.
More later.

As Roland of Gilead would say, "Long days and pleasant nights."