Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Another long stretch between posts

Okay, so it wasn't five months between posts this time - only a little over three.
I've started going to a writer's group that meets once a month. The group has been critiquing a short story I wrote a year or two ago and has given me great feedback and suggestions for it. After the next meeting and a lot of edits I'll start sending it out to potential markets for publication.
One of the two stories I mentioned in my last post grew to over 12,000 words and should end up being book length, but it's on hiatus for the time being.
NaNoWriMo starts in a month. I'm going to sign up for it again even though I don't have the time. Even if I don't get to 50,000 words it'll be good for me to have specific objectives and I found last year that I don't waste as much time when I have a November 30 deadline. I've got an idea brewing in my head to write about and will do a little research over the next couple of weeks to see if my idea is viable.
I didn't get into Harry Potter 5 yet, but since the movie for 6 has been delayed until next summer, I should still be able to read 5 and 6 before the movie for 6 is released.