Thursday, July 12, 2007

A good week!

Two days ago I found out I'd be able to attend this year's South Carolina Writers Workshop (SCWW) annual conference in October. . I had a great time at last year's conference, as seen in previous blog postings, but wasn't sure if I'd have a repeat trip this year. Thankfully circumstances worked out in my favor (long story), so now it appears I'll be there. That alone was GREAT news, but the week has gotten even better.
Yesterday I found out one of stories will be published in "The Petigru Review," the anthology of the SCWW! This news is great motivation and encouragement for me to keep writing at every opportunity.
I've got another story almost ready to submit and am back to work on a novel that has been dormant for a while. And I've come to think I'll always be working on a short story or two.